February 2, 2011, the first arrest in the Rs 30,000 crore 2G scam was made as former telecom minister A Raja was arrested. Fifteen months and 13 days later, the main accused, A Raja, is all set to walk out of jail after he was granted bail on Tuesday.
This was the first time that the former telecom minister sought bail from the 2g court, even though his co-accused repeatedly applied for bail and faced disappointment on numerous occasions, Raja, the lawyer, refused to follow suit. The lawyer politician assured his followers that he would demolish the CBI's case and walk out of the Tihar jail with his head held high. But when former telecom secretary and co-accused Siddharth Behura, too, got bail from the Supreme Court last week, Raja decided to seek relief.
Raja calls the case against him 'false and fabricated' and has also played the caste card. During the arguments in the 2G court, the Dalit face of the DMK has argued that he is being punished for bringing mobile telephony to every maid, every driver in the country. link
But the CBI opposed his bail saying that without him there would have been no 2G scam and it was dangerous to release him on bail as crucial witnesses were yet to depose.
Thirteen accused had sought relief from Special Judge OP Saini so far, but only one, RK Chandolia was obliged. A Raja is the second lucky man to have been granted bail by Judge OP Saini.
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